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Passion projects

You may have recently heard about the importance of emotions in learning as they play a crucial role in significant learning. But, how can we implement this in the classroom? Let’s try to connect a novel with one of your passions? This is what some 4th ESO students did in their PASSION PROJECTS, an idea adapted from Emily Aierstok (@aierstokELA).

A PASSION PROJECT for independent reading is a project that reflects not only the joy that your reading brings to you, but it also reflects other things that bring you happiness.


If art brings you joy, create a masterpiece drawing that reflects the themes in your novel.

If music brings you joy, write and record a song that reflects the plot, conflict or characters from the story.

The key is to personalise this project so that it reflects what brings you joy in reading and beyond.

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm!” Let’s create something special, letting our natural interests point the way!

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)



Here you have their point of view of the project:

Last year, our English teacher asked us to work on a projects’ final product in which we had to expose our hugest passions. When we thought about our passions, we realised we loved all kind of creative stuff related with the internet, but mostly recording and editing videos. That’s why we chose to do a youtube video as our final product, in which we could talk, record and perform different roles (something that we both really enjoy too). In fact, we had so much fun making it, as we were creating something we could be proud of. (Ares Falcón and Marc Vico)



Last year we did The Passion Project in the subject of English. We could do the final product we wanted. Firstly, we didn’t know what to do, but we realised our passion was music, so we decided to make a cover. One singed the song and the other played the piano. The final product was amazing and we felt very proud of ourselves of it. This project was one of the school tasks we liked the most. (Isabel Baiget i Irene Seró)

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