2nd Batxillerat students have started their 5-day stay in London. They will use English language in real context and explore museums and best-known areas of the capital of the UK.
Yesterday they wandered around Oxford, they learned about its iconic landmarks of the city that homes the worldwide reknown university.
Tomorrow more immersion in English culture!
It’s been a busy day in London! We’ve wandered around the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Downing Street (Larry wasn’t waiting for us), Buckingham Palace (King Charles III didn’t wave at us either).
Students have also been working in the British Museum and we have finished the day with pictures in platform 9 ½ to satisfy Harry Potter’s lovers.
We’ve started Sunday morning with a relaxing cruise in river Thames. Afterwards, beefeaters and ravens accompanied us in our visit to the Tower of London, Tower Bridge and Roman Walls.
We’ve strolled in the City of London (without the company of Jack the Ripper, luckily).
We’ve finished the day in the southbank in the Globe Theatre, where the Black Swan’s plays were performed.
4️th day. Today we’ve been roaming over the most picturesque areas of London: Soho, Chinatown and Camden Town.
We’ve also have the chance of enjoying the most captivating pictures of London skyline from our flight in London Eye.
5️th day. After a calm walk in Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park, we’ve discovered about volcanoes, earthquakes and dinosaurs in Natural Museum.
Afterwards, we’ve gone in a shopping spree in Regent and Oxford Street.
And back home, sweet home!
INS Joan Oró
Ctra. Saragossa, km 464,2
25194 LLeida
T. 973 268399
E. insjoanoro@xtec.cat